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"Guruji Grants Seva By His Mercy"

Ananga Mohana Dasa (Russia), Disciple

śrī kṛṣṇa caitanya kṛpaika vittaḥ yaḥmaryādā rakṣati vaiṣṇavānāṁ kṛpāvalaṁmādhava preṣṭha kāmī śrī bhaktidaṁbhāratim āśrayāmaḥ

An attempt to glorify Sri Guruji

In the summer of 2016 I felt like an old man, as if for the previous year, I lived a lifetime. My body and psyche did not seem to be very ready for the changes that came to me. But the heart was rejoicing!

When I was renting the place for the martial arts club in August 2015, I even could not imagine, that for the next 2 years this place would become a meeting place for devotees and will be intended only for them. And that the final occasion here will be a meeting dedicated to the disappearance day of the Great Vaisnava - Srila Bhakti Vijnana Bharati Gosvami Maharaja.

But Guruji knew it, therefore the opportunity to start this service was His mercy

On the Day of Gaura Purnima, on March 12, 2017 in Sri Dham Mayapur, Guruji mercifully gave us diksha-initiation. There was about 40 devotees receiving initiation and Guruji mercifully bestowed upon us His love during few hours in this day. After the ceremony of initiation, I returned to the room with a strong fever and running nose (the symptoms already appeared in the morning) and after that went to bed. That day I was not able to collect donations for my Spiritual Master, but I felt desire and necessity to do it. In some miraculous way, the next day I was already on my feet and felt well enough.

At 4 pm, having learned the phrase – ‘bhiksha dehim’, I began to collect donations from the sellers and shopkeepers along the main road. Then, for the first time being physically next to Guruji, I felt that I could do something useful. I was so much enthusiastic, because this kind of seva was close to my nature, and is close to the field of my activity, to my skills. I felt so happy! Having finished collecting donations around 7 pm, I hurried to Hari-katha. When the class finished, I approached Sripad Madhavapriya Prabhu with a request to convey the collected donations to Guruji. But to my surprise and joy, he invited me to enter the Guruji's room and to do it myself. When we entered, Guruji was sitting on the bed.

His lotus feet were bare and stood on the floor. It was the only time when being physically so close I was lucky to see His feet in such form. FurthermoreI had the opportunity to touch Them. I kissed Them and touched Them with my forehead. They were cool and very gentle! It was the greatest mercy for me.

A few days ago, thinking how I could glorify my Guruji, the thought came to me that the burning desire that Guruji put into my heart and the seva was the only reason for His mercy.

Guruji bestows His mercy to us, granting us seva.

So it was before Guruji called us to Himself, bringing into our lives the Vaisnavas and giving the place to serve them, where several great festivals took place. After that year, being mentally and physically exhausted, having debts, during the epidemic, we, despite all material circumstances, turned up at His lotus feet to Vrindavan and Guruji mercifully granted us Harinam. So it was after the first meeting with Guruji, when in a miraculous way, shortly before the arrival of Sripad Bhaktivedanta Nemi Maharaja, Guruji introduced us to the doctors who later helped and now help to recover the health of the Vaishnavas, and my health too.

After the disappearance of Guruji, once I was to organize a katha of Sripad Bhaktivedanta Mahavira Maharaja, I simply did not have enough strength, but by Guruji`s wish, miraculously came desire, resources, strength and help! And I just did not have any chance to give up my seva.

Guruji, bestowing His mercy, grants us seva, and also gives everything necessary for its fulfillment.

We always feel his unflagging care

During our first meeting in Vrindavana in 2016, when we arrived in India with three children, Chikungunya was raging. But we were under the full protection of Guruji. In Mayapur in 2017, when we arrived completely exhausted, our spiritual brothers and sisters by Guruji's mercy organized fantastic accommodation for us, therefore we were able to recover our physical strength. Now, when by Guruji's mercy, in the most difficult situations in life, miraculously people appear who help solve them or provide us the right decisions. And although we must serve Guruji, but in fact it is He who serves us, surrounding us with His care. But we have the hope that by His mercy, one day we will be able to find a sincere desire and become qualified servants.

I would very much like to thank Guruji for all His wonderful sevakas, disciples and followers.

How much joy and care you brought into our lives!

How your words and deeds inspire!

How many wonderful words are said and written about Guruji!

Through you, Guruji bestows His mercy!

I think that being useful to you and providing at least some kind of service to you is an opportunity to bring joy to Guruji.

We will always remember the warm family atmosphere around Guruji.

Thank you for everything, Guruji! Thanks Vaishnavas for everything!

P.S. I would also like to write about the disappearance of Guruji, as it was for me.

I could not miss the opportunity to meet the Guruji and wanted to come to Kartika and Gaura-purnima, but I did not have any strength to do it. Unresolved issues with finances, health, education of children ... This internal race exhausted me. I was on the edge.

And suddenly there was new about the illness of Guruji, that everything was serious. We were constantly waiting for news on Facebook. We were attempting to chant harinama in order to fulfill His desire. And then came the call from our spiritual sister: "Guruji left 10 minutes ago ..."

After some silence, I felt complete peace of mind. Some kind of descent of heavenly grace. It seemed that Guruji's mercy has spread to all three worlds. Barriers had collapsed. If earlier I had a fear towards Guruji (of course, this is because of my material desires), now the fear had left. As if the wall had collapsed. He became so close and dear. Everything became so simple.

This state has passed over time, but I would very much like it to last forever.

Guruji stormed into our life, picked us up to give salvation, and quietly left.

I offer my obeisances unto His lotus feet and pray to Him that someday, having passed the necessary series of births and deaths, I could come to Him forever.

And how to do this, Guruji pointed out to us: "Chant Harinama and serve the devotees. And have faith that I have given this instruction"

Forgive me please, if I wrote something wrong.

Sincerely, Ananga Mohan das

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