Do we have to necessarily follow the process followed by Gopa-kumāra?
We will only have to undergo a journey similar to Gopa-kumāra’s if we do not have firm conviction that what Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has taug

Following the Footsteps of Śrī Guru
Whenever Guru Mahārāja would organize a grand festival in any of his maṭhas, he would be sure to honor not only the sannyāsīs and brahmacārī

Affection & Reproach
If You Become Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s, Śrī Kṛṣṇa Will Become Yours
Religion that is a show for the public or for deluding one’s mind is of one category, whereas true bhakti for Śrī Kṛṣṇa is something else en

How to get ruci (taste) for the Holy Name
It is not enough to go near a sādhu. You have to hear with great surrender and full attention by offering yourself completely at their lotus

Should I serve Deities?
It is very good to have Deities. But it is not so easy to serve Them. For those who have not developed the steadfastness to serve the Deitie

Don’t Try to Jump and Pluck the Fruit of Prema
Prema is considered as the ripened fruit of the desire tree of the Vedas. With time, this fruit becomes fully ripened, and that is when it i

Does Our Association with Sādhus Depend on Physical Proximity?
Although it is not always possible to physically stay with sādhus, one should always hanker to do so. Whenever association is available to u

From the upcoming autobiography: The Roots of My
A Lesson in Maintaining Proper Conduct
Once, I accompanied a preaching party from Śrī Caitanya Gauḍīya Maṭha to Jalandhara, where Śrī Bhakti Vallabha Tīrtha Mahārāja was also stay

Is it Better to Pray Using Only the Words Chosen by Our Guru-varga?
Although one can pray in whatever way one wants, it is always preferable to pray according to the examples set by our guru-vargas, such as Ś

Lessons in Devotional Practices - Part 2 of 2
Although the relationship between guru and disciple is eternal, Guru Mahārāja manifested the pastime of surrendering his life at the lotus f