Acyuta Krsna Dasa (USA/ India), Disciple
"He Knew My Current State of Mind Completely!"
His glance said everything, there was no need for words. I knew for certain at that moment, he knew my current state of mind completely, and
Lalita Kisori Dasi (Bangalore), Siksa Disciple
"Having Your Association Is My Sole Credit"
Offer prayers to Vaishnavas every morning,
For their mercy, have deep yearning.
Service to them is the right path to devotion,
With their ba
Braja Kisora Dasa (South Africa), Disciple
"I Became Soft-hearted After Meeting Him"
Immediately, upon my first meeting with Him, in Sri Dhama Mayapura during Gaura Purnima last year, I who was a very hard hearted person, fel
Mahalakshmi Dasi (USA/ Mayapura)
"Lord Jagannath Himself Used Me as the Courier to Deliver His Final Gift to Maharaja"
He respectfully backed up as if I was carrying something important even though it was only a garbage can. I gave him pranams and I got a hug
Rukmiṇī-haraṇa līlā
Śrī Rukmiṇī wrote a letter to Śrī Kṛṣṇa and sent it through a trustworthy brāhmaṇa. In the letter, she related the entire background and req

Recognizing a Praṇayi-bhakta
Praṇayi-bhaktas know well the glories of Bhagavān’s pastime places. The respective glories and pastimes of those places automatically manife

Non-duplicity and Compassion are Prerequisites for the Sincere Observance of Bhāgavata-dharma
Dharma, artha, kāma and mokṣa can only be considered puruṣārtha, the goal of life, when they are used to attain prema, the topmost puruṣārth

How to observe Ekādaśī
On the eve of Ekādaśī, consciously take a vow that, “I will not commit any sin on Ekādaśī. I will engage all my senses in the service of the

All Three Are One
Lord talks, walks, fights and even steals [for His devotees]. He does everything. There is no difference between His name, His form and His

Who can really chant the name of Bhagavān?
Nāma prabhu Himself manifests on the tongue of that sādhaka who has become sevonmukha. He appears to the vision of a surrendered person, for