Candrika Dasi (Hove, England), Disciple
My Deepest Gratitude for the Kindest Mercy
On the day of your Vyasapuja, may I first offer the deepest gratitude for the kindest mercy you have bestowed upon me and my loved ones. Alt
Swami B.V. Bhagavata (Texas, USA), Siksa Disciple
"In A Dream He Said, I Will Take Care Of You"
One day Bhudara Prabhu called me to tell me that he had been having this dream every night for 3 nights where a Gaudiya Sannyasi was coming

Sasikala Devi Dasi (Vrndavana), Disciple
"I Am With You"
Those words ‘I am with you’ have been the very source of my strength ever since you said them. Earlier I would feel fearful to be in the hou
Campakalata Dasi (USA), Disciple
"I Felt I Belonged"
I can’t forget – once, as I was leaving to follow him to his car in Faridabad, I caught his eye and said ‘Hare Krsna’, he raised his hands s
Kesava dasa (Florida, USA), Disciple
"Chanting Harinama and Serving Vaisnavas is Most Important"
Anyway, I am grateful to Guru Maharaja for giving me the opportunity to take diksa only three months prior to his departure, and also for gi
Bhavanand das (Bangalore), Siksa Disciple
"Whatever Benefit I Got, I Have Written in 'My Beloved Masters'"
I was asking him in general about how to progress in bhakti. He asked me if I have read the "My Beloved Masters" book. He continue
Lalita Kisori Dasi (Bangalore), Siksa Disciple
"Always Follow Your Heart"
The first time we heard about Srila Maharaj was from our neighbor, Radhakanth Prabhu in 2010. He told us there is a hari katha broadcast...
Devaki Dasi (India), Disciple
"Serve Krsna and Chant Harinam With Firm Determination"
I was really surprised when he could remember a new devotee like me who least interacted with him. When I met him in Jaipur after around two
Anupama Dasi (Russia), Siksa Disciple
"He Revealed My Gurudeva To Me"
Sometimes he smiled and sometimes looked at me very strictly and I understood where was my misbehavior. Gurudev gave me knowledge and Srila
Yasoda Jivana Dasa (USA), Disciple
"I Am Taking Away Anarthas and Giving Bhakti"
Without fail Gurudeva would distribute prasadam from His soft lotus hand to any and all who came to take His darsan. If I could, I would go