Remembrance in Separation - Bhagavata Patrikā
A Few Self-Written Ideals
In my whole life I never told anyone to accept harināma-dīkṣā from my Guru Mahārāja or any other Vaiṣṇava, rather I made everyone hear the g
Śrī Puruṣottama Dāsa Ṭhākura
In Vaiṣṇava-vandanā, Devakīnandana Dāsa, the disciple of Puruṣottama Ṭhākura writes:
iṣta-deva vando śrī-puruṣottama nāma
ke kahite pare tā
The Result of Imitation
A person who observes the same limbs of bhakti—like śravaṇa and kīrtana—as the pure devotees, but does so only externally without following
Pure harināma cannot be chanted without sādhu saṅga
You cannot chant harināma without sādhu-saṅga. You could be chanting nāma-aparādha or nāma-ābhāsa at the best, but not śuddha-nāma. Only by
Vyasa Puja [2017] Address by Śrīla Mahārāja
I specifically pray to them that they, being pleased, bless me that until the last moment of my life, life after life, I keep serving the de
Rays of The Harmonist
Have I Made a Mistake?
A doubt occasionally arises in my heart. I think, “Have I made a mistake in accepting the shelter of the lotus feet of the Vaiṣṇavas?
Should We Become Fully Surrendered Before We Start Practicing Bhakti?
It is seen that the scriptures often prescribe paths other than bhakti, such as karma-yoga, the performance of duties prescribed in the Veda
Śrī Lalitā-sakhī is Instrumental in Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu’s Descent
Kṛṣṇa was attracted by the utterance of His name and He touched the body of Rādhārāṇī, “Rādhe! I have come!” However there was no response.
BV Mahavir Maharaj, Siksa and Sannyasa Disciple
He Is The Embodiment Of Humility
sri varshabhanavi dayita madhava dasa priyam sri nayana-nātha dasanudasa bharati svarupam trinad api sunicata bhakti-vijnana saram ...
Vrinda Dasi, (Siksa Disciple, Holland)
A Beacon in a Turbulent Ocean
Like father Bhisma, You continued to serve till your last breath. You said: that your body may fail, but as long as your tongue can speak ha