Affection and Reproach: The Synthesis of Love
Letters: On Maṭha-vāsa
It is appropriate for the servants of the maṭha to live in the maṭha in mutual tolerance. Not everyone possesses the same nature and qualifi

Affection and Reproach: The Synthesis of Love
Letters: On the Opportunity to Serve
If we sincerely become eager to serve the worshipful Śrī Hari, He will, by all means, arrange for the greatest of opportunities for His serv

Affection and Reproach: The Synthesis of Love
Letters: On Acting Whimsically
Lust, anger and greed are man’s gates to hell, and they always lead to his spiritual doom. They may remain in a sādhaka’s preliminary stages

Śrī Vīrabhadra Prabhu
Today is the āvirbhāva tithi of Śrī Vīrabhadra Prabhu (also known as Vīracandra Prabhu). He is Śrī Nityānanda tanaya [the son of Śrī Nityāna